Alexander Mann Recruitment & Alexander Mann Solutions


Alexander Mann Recruitment and Alexander Mann Solutions has engaged with contractors/workers to work for various clients and has directed the contractor/worker to utilise the services of an Umbrella Company.

These umbrella workers have suffered unlawful deductions from their pay for example, Employers National Insurance Contributions, Apprenticeship Levy, Workplace Pension Contribution and Holiday Pay.

As a matter of law, employers which include Umbrella Companies cannot deduct Employers NICS or Apprenticeship Levy from a workers gross pay.

The Claims Compensation Group Ltd are acting for contractors engaged by Alexander Mann and we shall be claiming back these unlawful deductions.

You may ask why are we not pursuing the Umbrella Company for these unlawful deductions. The answer is simple, under the Law of Principal and Agent, Alexander Mann are responsible for the actions of their Agent and therefore liable for the unlawful deductions.

Sign-up today and join hundreds of your fellow workers who are taking action.

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